
I've published a few new projects in the last couple of months and I'm behind on announcing them, so I bundled them up together into this post. I'm stealing the title format of this post from Tom MacWright's Recently posts.

One thing to note is that the source code for all these projects is stored on sourcehut. Sourcehut (or bills itself as "the hacker's forge". I highly recommend checking it out. It's also where I host my public inbox.


Now that I have fiber internet at the house I've been hosting one-off services and apps on my own hardware at the house. This is great, however my residential connection is a typical dynamic IP not a static one. Instead of using a service like DynamicDNS I decided to write some Rust (shocker) and leverage the "unofficial" Hover API. The result is: hover-dns.

I have hover-dns running in a crontab for a few different domains to keep my domains pointed to the correct IP for my house. While I'm a little uncomfortable with how similar npm and cargo can feel, the trust-dns package is excellent. I was able to quickly read the source code to understand how to setup a Resolver for opendns. Also impressive is that hover-dns ip beats out dig in returning your public IP. I didn't expect that!


Speaking of hosting things at home, is one of those things. podcast-filter is a small Go project that allows you to filter a podcast feed by each episode's description and return a feed of just those episodes that match.


The recent project I use the most day-to-day is mailpreview-cli. mailpreview-cli is very straight-forward, it accepts a Mail message and returns either the plain text version or the html version of that message. The reason I don't just pull the Mail message directly is because a Mail message can contain several versions of the message in different encodings (start here if you're curious: RFC-822). Instead of writing my own parser I grabbed the excellent mailparse crate and wrapped the behavior I wanted around it. On it's own mailpreview-cli isn't super fancy but I trigger it from rofi via a shell script which allows me to browse (and then view) all my unread emails right from rofi. Shameless plug: I wrote a short post about getting started with rofi if you're unfamiliar. mailpreview-cli could be used with Alfred if you're on a Mac to accomplish the same thing as I'm doing with a shell script and rofi.


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