On diminishing modes in emacs

"Diminishing modes" in Emacs is a popular topic. It took me a while to understand the basic (and simple) rules around how to customize the display of the various mode names.

What are modes

Modes in Emacs come in two flavors, major and minor modes. The Emacs manual explains modes like this:

Emacs contains many editing modes that alter its basic behavior in useful ways.

Major modes:

[...] provide specialized facilities for working on a particular file type [...] Major modes are mutually exclusive; each buffer has one and only one major mode at any time.

Minor modes are:

[...] optional features which you can turn on or off, not necessarily specific to a type of file or buffer. [...] Minor modes are independent of one another, and of the selected major mode.

Customize the mode line

Modes are great, yet they fill up the mode line. I only really want to know about a handful of minor modes and the major mode. On top of that I don't like how some modes name themselves (e.g. all caps, too long, etc.). Changing the display or completely hiding a mode is different for major and minor modes.

Changing minor mode names

Minor mode names are stored in a list variable called minor-mode-alist. You can customize that directly or use the fantastic package diminish as a wrapper around that functionality, like so:

(diminish 'flyspell "spell")

Changing major mode names

Major mode names are not stored in a simple list variable. Yet, fear not! In reading the source of the diminish package, I stumbled across this comment:

To diminish a major mode, (setq mode-name "whatever") in the mode hook.

The variable mode-name couldn't be correct could it? Yes, yes it is. Here's an example of changing the mode name for the default elisp-mode:

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook (λ () (setq mode-name "λ")))

Now you have all the tools at your disposal to change every mode's name in your mode line.

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