I love IFTTT. IFTTT is one of those awesome services that I desperately wished had a business plan.

Here are a few of my favorite IFTTT recipes.

App.net to Twitter

A few weeks ago I made the decision to give ADN another try, largely because ADN offers a RSS feed of my posts, something Twitter thought was too complicated. So I decided to funnel my original posts through ADN and then post them to Twitter. IFTTT facilities all of this with ease.

Get the App.net to Twitter recipe

Post to App.net from Day One

I love Day One, however it doesn't support posting to ADN. I set up an IFTTT recipe that works off an email from Day One and posts it ADN. This recipe also gets bonus points for working in conjunction with the above ADN To Twitter Recipe.

Get the post to ADN via Email recipe

Camera Roll to Flickr

This recipe is only possible through the new, delightful IFTTT iOS app. Whenever a new photo is taken, IFTTT uploads the photo to my Flickr account. This recipe serves the second purpose of offloading my Camera Roll backups from iCloud to Flickr.

Get the Camera Roll to Flickr recipe

Feature Request

I do wish IFTTT had one additional feature, Feed actions. I would love to have a personal feed, ala Huffduffer, into which IFTTT would dump any data from the various IFTTT triggers. A Feed action would technically allow basic looping when combined with the Feed trigger, which would be super useful and interesting.

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