Before Circles 2017

I'm currently sitting on an airplane headed to Grapevine, Texas for Circles Conf. Circles Conf is a design conference that I've kept an eye on for the last couple years. I specifically chose this conference because it wasn't a development conference. As a frontend developer, I think it's important to be well-rounded in all aspects of the frontend and that includes design. I feel like the last couple years I've invested deeply in Javascript and all the incredible ways frontend code is changing. However, I think it's time to work out a different set of muscles. So, I'm headed to a design conference as a frontend developer and I don't see a single talk about "Slack bots with Node" (or something about "Serverless and React") on the schedule and I'm super pumped.


I thought I'd list out a few of the talks I'm looking forward to and what I hope to come away with. I think the entire lineup looks great but there are a few TBA slots with no title so I have no idea what to think about those. I'm hoping to review this post after the conference and use it as a kind of guide to digest everything that happened.


I have no idea what to expect from the scheduled Panels. There is one each day maybe this will be some solid Q/A or good round-table discussion?

Dan Rubin

I'm excited to hear Dan Rubin. I've followed Dan on Twitter and Instagram for some time but I've never heard him speak.

Ash Huang

I've never heard of Ash until I saw the speaker line-up, but she's seems like a prolific writer and deep thinker. Her talk is called "Design was supposed to be The Answer" and I can't wait to hear it. I also think there is a talk called "Javascript was supposed to be The Answer" just waiting to be written.

Jay Argaet

I'm a fan of Hillsong's music along with their branding and art direction. I'm curious to hear what Jay has to say about "Unlocking Creativity".

Annette Neu

The topic for Annette's talk resonates with me. I often feel unsure how to begin on a problem that has lots of uncertainty surrounding it. I'm confident this will apply to all creative disciplines (e.g. development as well as design).

Here we go

So there you have it. My scant expectations on what I'm looking forward to at Circles Conf. If you're attending Circles don't hesitate to say hi (or hit me up on twitter) and get a swanky Sparkbox business card!

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